Classic Savory: A perfect fusion of Filipino and Chinese cuisines

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Classic Savory: A perfect fusion of Filipino and Chinese cuisines

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Classic Savory: A perfect fusion of Filipino and Chinese cuisines Being one of Filipinos’ oldest trading partners, the Chinese have brought to the country some of their native dishes, which Filipinos have come to love as their own. Chinese immigrants in the early days have further influenced the Filipino palate by putting up eateries serving mostly noodles called

Havoline and Techron Concentrate Plus: The Dynamic Duo in One Tune Up Pack

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Havoline and Techron Concentrate Plus: The Dynamic Duo in One Tune Up Pack

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Manila, Philippines, July 7, 2015 — Caltex Philippines provides your car with the ultimate protection it needs with the dynamic Havoline Tune Up Packs. Motorists can choose between Havoline ProDS™ Fully Synthetic ECO 5 SAE 5W-30 4-liter pack or Havoline Synthetic Blend SAE 5W-30 4-liter pack bundled up with Techron Concentrate Plus. This special deal allows motorists to

Gas Up at Caltex and Help Students!

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Gas Up at Caltex and Help Students!

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Manila, Philippines – From June 15 to July 15, motorists can help produce the country’s future scientists, programmers, engineers and math wizards by fueling up in participating Caltex stations to fund Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) classroom projects of teachers and their students from the highest need senior-ready public high schools in Metro Manila as identified by the

Lunch is served: preparing healthy baon for kids

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Lunch is served: preparing healthy baon for kids

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Another school year is just around the corner and soon the students will be back to their daily grind. And there’s a lot to look forward to: new classmates, new teachers, new faces, new books, new subjects and many more. Indeed, it’s a new start for everyone. Mothers, for their part, must make sure that everything is in

SKY Opens Over 190 Channels as a 25th Year Anniversary Offer

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SKY Opens Over 190 Channels as a 25th Year Anniversary Offer

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Fans of great TV entertainment have more reasons to celebrate this July 2015. SKYcable and Destiny Cable digital subscribers will enjoy SKY’s over 190 digital channels, automatically activated on their TVs from the 4th to the 11th of July at no additional cost. After recent launches of SKYexclusives like AXN HD, and international favorites like AFC HD, Disney HD, and Mezzo HD, this big TV