Defying the Odds: Asthmatics prove resilience against Asthma

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Defying the Odds: Asthmatics prove resilience against Asthma

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After months of deliberation and almost 2,000 entries nationwide, GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) today announces the winners of its Search for the Winners Against Asthma (SWAA). Launched in February 2015, the Search for Winners Against Asthma is a nationwide search for young asthmatic achievers aged 30 years and younger who are outstanding in their respective fields despite having asthma and

Hi-5 Philippines spreads happiness in schools

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Hi-5 Philippines spreads happiness in schools

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Followers of this generation’s edutainment program of choice, Hi-5 Philippines, are getting a chance to experience the exciting and fun-filled learning activities that the vibrant cast has to offer as it sets out on a nationwide school tour. Hi-5 members Gerard, Aira, Rissey, Alex and Fred are gracing school events with their trademark bopping performances of all-time favorite