Gibson brings Filipinos closer to music with new store at Vertis North

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Gibson brings Filipinos closer to music with new store at Vertis North

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Gibson brings Filipinos closer to music with new store at Vertis North Image
 Gibson is one of the few guitar brands that stand out in the local music industry. Among music-loving Filipinos, Gibson guitars are a favorite. Now, the iconic brand connects to more guitar lovers as it unveiled its second store at Vertis North in Quezon City. The new Gibson store is a guitar enthusiast’s heaven, complete with classic electric

SM Cinema treats moviegoers to 30% off every Monday and Tuesday

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SM Cinema treats moviegoers to 30% off every Monday and Tuesday

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SM Cinema treats moviegoers to 30% off every Monday and Tuesday Image
SM Cinema shakes away the Monday blues andTuesday terrors by treating patrons to 30% discounts on movies! You can now watch your most-awaited films at IMAX, Director’s Club Cinema, and SM Cinema at a fraction of the cost on their first screening every Monday and Tuesday. Creating fun and memorable experiences, SM Cinema lets you enjoy movies for as low as Php133 in any